Billions of Missing Links
Simmons, Dr. Geoffrey |
A wonderful look at the world of exotic animals -- ones whom the theory of Evolution has no explanation for. |
Carolina Carpenter Brides
Dooley, Lena Nelson |
Taking a wallpapering class at a local Home & Hearth Superstore, Brianna encounters Zach an old flame. Kaitlyn an investigative reporter, is doing undercover work on the dating scene at the store when she meets Chris When Valerie asks a store employee for assistance, she gets more attention than she bargained for. Gary is working security at the superstore when Janice becomes a suspect employee. He can have her arrested, or try to save her from a life of crime. Will this Carolina store have the tools for building lasting faith-based love? |
Demon: A Memoir
Lee, Tosca |
Tosca Lee paints a vivid and incredible picture of the fall of Lucifer and his legion. This book simultaneously chills and awes |
From Dust and Ashes
Goyer, Tricia |
It is 1945 and a group of American soldiers liberate a Nazi concentration camp. Helene is the abandoned wife of an SS guard who has fled to avoid arrest. Overcome by guilt, she begins to help meet the needs of survivors. Throughout the process, she finds her own liberation - from spiritual bondage, sin, and guilt. Readers will be intrigued and touched by this fascinating story of love, faithfulness, and courage amidst one of the darkest chapters of mankind's history. |
Icons of Evolution
Wells, Dr. Jonathan |
A broadside shot at the basic arguments of Darwin's Theory of Evolution |
Ransomed Dreams
Wallace, Amy |
Drama. Tragedy. Thriller. Romance. Can these four actually go together? Amy Wallace's meaty first book of the Defenders of Hope Series, RANSOMED DREAMS, has successfully united these genres. |
Solitary Thoughts: Wings of Love
Stover, Skip |
Skip writes about Love because he feels Love/Romance is the strongest feeling one can have. When romance dies in a relationship, the relationship often dies. |
The Cave Painting (A Parable of Science)
Bullock, Roddy M. |
Written for readers of all ages, the updated third edition of The Cave Painting is particularly suitable for high school and college students desiring to understand the truth about evolution and intelligent design. Read the novel for fun and the non-fiction end notes for total understanding of this important topic. |
The Days of Peleg
Saboe, Jon |
The Days of Peleg is an action-filled, yet thought provoking epic which combines the enigmas and mythologies of ancient civilizations with the intrigue of hard science fiction. Issues as diverse as origins, linguistics, and phenomenology are concealed within an exciting narrative that boasts diverse characters embarked on an unimaginable journey. You will never think of ancient man in the same way again. The Days of Peleg provides an exhilarating yet entertaining look at who we once were-and who we may one day become. |
The Guy I'm Not Dating
Perry, Trish |
This memorable, charming story of love’s persistence captures the honor of waiting on God’s timing, and the adventure of finding the perfect guy to not date. |
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Wells, Dr. Jonathan |
The title says it all. A great followup to Icons of Evolution. |
Too Good To Be True
Perry, Trish |
This clever novel encourages readers to lean on God’s leading and to be open to life after the hurt—even when it seems too good to be true. |
What Darwin Did Not Know
Simmons, Dr. Geoffrey |
A magnficent guided tour of the human body -- and the shortcomings of Darwin's theory to explain it. |
What Happened to Me -- Reflections of a Journey
Niles, Randall |
A wonderful story of a young man who grows disillusioned with his faith -- Darwinism -- and whose search for truth led him to Jesus of Nazareth. |