Billions of Missing Links
Simmons, Dr. Geoffrey |
A wonderful look at the world of exotic animals -- ones whom the theory of Evolution has no explanation for. |
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist
Geisler, Norm and Turek Frank |
A marvelous look at how an atheist must have more blind faith in not believing in God than a believer does. |
Icons of Evolution
Wells, Dr. Jonathan |
A broadside shot at the basic arguments of Darwin's Theory of Evolution |
Plot and Structure
Bell, James Scott |
Techniques and exercises for craftings a plot that grips readers from start to finish. |
The Guy I'm Not Dating
Perry, Trish |
This memorable, charming story of love’s persistence captures the honor of waiting on God’s timing, and the adventure of finding the perfect guy to not date. |
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Wells, Dr. Jonathan |
The title says it all. A great followup to Icons of Evolution. |
The Writers Book of Hope
Keyes, Ralph |
Gettng from frustrated to published. |
Too Good To Be True
Perry, Trish |
This clever novel encourages readers to lean on God’s leading and to be open to life after the hurt—even when it seems too good to be true. |
What Darwin Did Not Know
Simmons, Dr. Geoffrey |
A magnficent guided tour of the human body -- and the shortcomings of Darwin's theory to explain it. |
What Happened to Me -- Reflections of a Journey
Niles, Randall |
A wonderful story of a young man who grows disillusioned with his faith -- Darwinism -- and whose search for truth led him to Jesus of Nazareth. |
Writing Realistic Dialogue and Flash Fiction
Stanbrough, Harvey |
A thorough primer for writers of fiction and essays |