

Product Detail Info

For Jeremy, a high school senior growing up near Seattle, there are five seasons: rainy season, dry Season, football season, basketball season, and baseball season. Jeremy's world has always revolved around his father and sports. Now there is a new Heavenly body in town, whose gravity is pulling Jeremy away from the orbit around his dad. Maria, the new girl in town, is on a mission to make her voice heard in the debate of the theory that man evolved from lower life forms. Jeremy's father adamantly believes in Charles Darwin's theory. Who will win the tug of war over Jeremy's heart and mind, as Jeremy evolves from a boy into a man?

Author Note:
I have created a new genre with this work, perhaps. The name I apply to it is Christian faction. This is a novel which combines romance and humor with a cerebral search for truth. It does not pull any punches, naming real people on both sides of the Evolution debate and combining most of the intelligent design/creationism arguments in one central location in a digestible format. All the Voices of the Wind is designed to change the way you look at the world and to help you understand how the world looks at you. Warning: This book is not for those who are not prepared for an intellectual challenge or a spiritual gutcheck.
The Author:
Author's website
